Sunday, December 23, 2012
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Congressional Testimony: Timothy Klatke to Bill Windsor of Lawless Ameri...
8/15/2012 Please google Bad Behavior of Judge John Solien Thank You
Aitkin County Court Administration
Aitkin County Courthouse
209 second St. NW
Aitkin, MN 56431
RE; Incomplete Court File # 01-CR-12-318, per my visit to the courthouse on 8/14/2012 and my conversation prior with my victims advocate Jessica Brown on the documents with-in the file, that were not presented to me.
I Timothy Klatke want this information included in the above named court file as our statement and amended statements in state of Minnesota vs. Douglas Lamont Landrus because the state didn’t uphold our civil, constitutional or property rights in this and other matters.
Letter dates are,
3/24/2003 letter to John Welle
3/26/2003 letter to Lonnie Thomas
8/27/2003 letter to Doug Landrus
9/4/2003 letter to Tom Murtha
1/14/2012 letter from Bob Mlynar
1/19/2012 letter from Iverson / Reuvers
1/25/2012 letter to Bob Mlynar
1/31/2012 letter from Bob Mlynar
2/1/2012 letter to Tom Provost
2/2/2012 letter to Ratz, Iverson, FBI
2/26/2012 letter to Ratz, Kuboushek, FBI
4/10/2012 letter to Jessica Brown
5/1/2012 letter to James Ratz / Ben Smith
5/1/2012 letter to all addressed
Minnesota Stats. For this case.
Minn Stat. 343.20 Animal Cruelty - 10,000 and/or imprisonment up to 4 years.
Minn Stat. 609.749 Stalking Penalties
Also in this visit I went to the sheriff’s office to check on the status of the court ordered no contact violation I called in to the ACSD on 7/31/2012, officer Terry Neimeyer badge # 207, the sheriff’s office said it was processed on 8/1/2012 and sent up to the county attorney, I said James Ratz and they said yes, I then went up to the CAO and made an inquiry, the staff checked with Jimmy and said it is being processed, 14 days on a court ordered no contact and the defendant is not arrested for violating a court order and put in jail pending his court appearance on 8/21/2012, further proof that the kangaroo court is in session. See or contact Jimmy Ratz or Jessica Brown or Scott Turner for Exhibits or complete supporting documents. If Judge John R. Solien or any one else, rules that these material facts or statements are inadmissible or not allowed in the file, they will be aiding in the state and federal governments crimes.
P. S. Can you please take the phrase Honorable from in front of John R. Soliens description, he is really doing a disservice to that word.
Timothy Klatke
Jimmy Ratz, Aitkin County Attorney
John R. Solien, Aitkin District Judge
Scott Turner, Aitkin County Sheriff
Jessica Brown, Victim Services
Tom Landwehr, DNR Commissioner
Lori Swanson, Attorney General
Boelter & McCabe, FBI MN.
Senator; Amy Klobuchar
Al Franken
Warren Limmer
Representative Joyce Peppin
Congressman Eric Paulsen
TimKlatke_Exposes Aitkin Co.Corruption2012
Tim Klatke Exposes Aitkin County Corruption Humble Thanks to Bill Windsor specifically Aitkin Co. Attorney James Ratz,Judge Solien,Sheriff Scott Turner et al
Itemized list of documentation received by James Ratz on 8/24/12:
*Cover sheet 8/24/12
*Aitkin County Information Disclosure Request (8/14/12).
*Aitkin County Sheriff Department Incident Detail Report (2/17/12).
*State of Minnesota DNR Initial Complaint Report (1/31/12).
*State of Minnesota DNR Supplemental Report (3/21/12).
*Aitkin County Sheriff Department Supplemental Report (2/17/12).
*Taped Transcript Mlynar, Landrus, Asmus (1/11/12).
*Aitkin County Sheriff Department pictures 11 pages.
*Minnesota DNR pictures 10 pages.
*Lake layout photo 1 page.
*Letter from DNR to David Klatke (1/14/12).
*Letter from Timothy Klatke to Tom Provost (2/6/12).
*Timothy and David Klatke’s letter to MN DNR Officer Mlynar (1/25/12).
*Timothy Klatke’s Public Safety Letter (1/25/12).
*Timothy Klatke’s letter to Aitkin County Attorney’s office to Jessica Brown (4/10/12).
*Timothy and David Klatke’s letter to Aitkin County Attorneys James Ratz and Ben Smith
*Letter from Moss and Burnett to John Welle (3/24/03).
*Letter from Moss and Burnett to Doug Landrus (8/27/03).
*Letter from Moss and Burnett to Tom Murtha, Aitkin County Attorney (9/4/03).
These items were submitted to the Aitkin County Attorney’s office but were not included in the
received documentation:
*Letter from Iverson / Reuvers representing Aitkin County (1/19/12).
*Letters from Kevin Fern to James Ratz (dated 2/2/12, 2/26/12 and 5/1/12).
Items not provided.
1)MN. DNR Bob Mlynar’s taped conversation 1/12/12, illegally acquired recording.
2) Bob Mlynar’s property line documentation.
3) Court ordered no contact complaint documents and actions.
Timothy L. Klatke
11600 East French Lake Road
Maple Grove, Minnesota 55369
Timothy L. Klatke
11600 East French Lake Road
Maple Grove, Minnesota 55369
James Ratz / Sarah Winge / Jessica Brown
217 Second Street N.W. - RM 231
Aitkin, MN 56431
Re: Another illegal trespass and illegal repair of control structure / dam
Re: Case # 01-CR-12-318, State representation.
Re: Incomplete Court document file and non itemized document list sent 8/24/12 sent by Jimmy
Re: letter dated 8/29/2012 contested omnibus hearing continuance, subpoena.
To All Addressed:
We are giving you all notice that the public, legal and judicial corruption in Aitkin County, the
State of Minnesota and the Federal government is now part of a national movie documentary
including a congressional testimony and the subject of many government corruption blogs,
which is now being seen by the whole country. Us and the public have had enough, every action
and every future action are being mirrored.
It was brought to our attention that Aitkin county and/or the DNR went onto our property again
on 8/22/12, (one day after the contested omnibus hearing) illegally trespassing and sand
bagging/repairing an illegal control structure/dam and harassing us yet again. These actions fall
into the stalking / harassment guidelines. It is again a futile attempt to divert the attention away
from original county and state crimes by bringing us back into the illegal corrupt court system.
( Kangaroo Court ).
State representation of Case # 01-CR-12-318
On review of the documents sent on 8/24/12 there are some documents that the county attorney
should have presented me to support my case and are a part of the investigation in the killing of
my dog Queenie and the trespassing/stalking issues. There are prevalent issues missing in Bob
Mlynar’s and Dan Asmus’s statements. The recorded phone conversation of myself in the initial
complaint report 1/31/12. In the evidence letter there are 2 digital tape recordings, only one was
sent, the taped transcript between Mlynar, Asmus, Landrus.
I request the recorded conversation between myself and Bob Mlynar from 1/12/12, which was
taken illegally, he never stated that he was recording our conversation. This is basic law and I
don’t do taped phone statements or recordings as stated to Sheriff Asmus when he tried to get a
delinquent statement. They are all trying to catch us in a threat, intent to do harm statement,
slander, defamation of character or push us into an actual assault so Aitkin County Attorney
Jimmy Ratz and Judge John R. Solien can force us into court or jail, extort more money and
pressure us into giving up our pursuit of their crimes. Their desperation is evident and this could
be the reason for the trap to be placed in this specific area.
Sarah Winge, Aitkin county assistant attorney, I am advising you to publicly withdraw from this
case and force Jimmy Ratz, to take it over, he is already involved in many crimes against us so
what’s another crime? It looks like you are forced to do crimes against the people you work for,
the taxpayers and myself. Quit or withdraw before you get deeper in this situation. At least Ben
Smith, your former assistant county attorney co-worker, had enough sense to quit and leave the
county corruption, cut his losses and not continue in another crime against us, and not let Ratz
and Solien force him into another criminal act in the court. The last illegal case Ratz and Solien
did to us they had the case moving to a jury trial and their lawyer in crime, Hess Law Firm was
fired. I have witnessed all of these crimes and they are documented. They knew they couldn’t
manipulate us representing ourselves so Solien had to stop the trial and force an order, like they
are not capable of selecting a corrupt group for a trial in this kangaroo court. I bet they have a
select jury group on speed dial for these specific situations.
Based on my past experiences, I believe Turner, Ratz and Solien are very capable of picking a
select person, let them out of a serious crime in exchange for a favor down the road like they
needed in this specific situation. How else can you draw attention to the illegal C/S Dam area,
on private property with no jurisdiction, especially when there outside legal help failed, but to
get a trapper to set in this specific area that they have to draw attention to, the plan was for us to
find the trap and tamper with it or report it on my property, and then they would start up with the
courts persecution of us, but their plan back fired when my dog was killed and now they are
forced to represent me as a victim, which created a big problem in the court preceding so they
had to minimize the charges so they can let the person out of yet another crime, (who said crime
doesn’t pay), bypass legal protocol, minimize the charges, fabricate the statements and evidence,
work with the defense lawyer, manipulate the court proceedings, throw out the material facts, set
a new precedence to the area, PUBLIC WATER, WATER RIGHT OF WAY, HIGH WATER
MARK, to get out of their past crimes and then persecute the victim on top of it all and subpoena
them to court, and down the road start up again in the corrupt courts on the land fraud, sounds
pretty accurate to me.
The problem with dealing with criminals all the time is, if you aren’t a man or woman of high
moral values, spiritually grounded with impeccable integrity you are bound to become one. As is
the case here. Here is the catalyst for the set up Scott Turner Aitkin County Sheriff, Jimmy Ratz
and Judge John R. Solien all start getting caught in crimes no big deal, it’s happened before, so
they start working together illegally pulling favors for each other and it works for a while and all
of a sudden they meet a foe that is tenacious in not letting them abuse their power and
corruption, so they all pool their resources and hit their foe with a vengeance, and the foe is still
standing and not only standing but starting to destroy the individuals one by one, sinking them
deeper into the crimes, so they try something even more dramatic and criminal to no avail.
That’s where we are at now. None of you can be representing this case you have committed
Treason and perjury and fraud just to name a few crimes - you are all criminals, and you know it
is well documented.
August 29, 2012 letter from Jessica Brown Aitkin County Crimes victim advocate, pretrial issues
being contested by the defense.
1. Whether defendant was trespassing/public right of way.
The state of Minnesota failed to produce any documents or laws that gave them the right to have
the control/structure dam on our private property, (where the trap was set), it has been since
2001, over 11 years, since the county/state has been trying to push their illegal criminal agenda
on us because the state knows it is a massive liability and tied to other crimes, to have the illegal
C/S Dam on our property. Just because the illegal C/S Dam was placed inside our shoreline,
doesn’t constitute public water up to it. In fact, it is further proof that it is part of the plot or
maneuver by the state to illegally set a precedence to eliminate their crimes. Aitkin County
attorneys are not properly representing my case. It is provable by the fact there is nothing in
Exhibit 1 proving the C/S Dam is on private property, (if they do they incriminate the
county/state/federal government). The state DNR and MN. Conservation Officer Bob Mlynar
know the private property rules and shoreline trespass laws. Because we shut down the firm
Iverson & Reuvers (the state of Minnesota’s outside legal council paid for with more tax payer
dollars, there are four assistant attorney’s and the county attorney costing us around 350,000
thousand a year plus benefits and they are hiring an outside legal firm, can you figure out why?
Jimmy Ratz is caught in the crimes and his conflict of interest living on the same lake), with the
U.S.G.S. Quadrangle map Esquagama, MN/MSA 1973, which was deliberately left out of the
case file dated 2/2/12, showing no public water easement or right of way on our property. This
makes the C/S Dam illegal and in turn gives no public water way jurisdiction of any type in front
of or in back of the C/S Dam, the DNR should then acknowledge that in this situation the proper
way to determine private property here is to run a line from the outermost point of the shoreline
on each side of the opening and that is the edge of the shore and now go three feet from the high
water mark from that line and that is the legal boundary, which puts the location of the baited
lethal trap and the C/S Dam well within our private property rights, and add to that figure the
amount of shoreline that was lost over the years from the illegal C/S Dam and it is even further
out. The DNR knows that a boat or person can’t encroach on private shoreline, which is the
three feet from the high water mark, that in turn makes any water inside the shoreline non
navigable water and private.
That now changes the charges to Felonies, not Gross Misdemeanor and Misdemeanor. And make
it a direct trapping violation and criminal stalking issue.
2. Whether the defendant had reason to know he wasn’t allowed on the property.
Doug Landrus and his family and relatives knew they are not allowed on our property. He states
that in his taped statement and police reports (when confronted by Tim Klatke verbally)to Bob
Mlynar and Aitkin County Sheriff Dan Asmus in the 1/31/12 initial law enforcement report. An
incident occurred on Tim’s property 8/23/2003 which lead to the 8/27/03 certified letter
(restraining order) telling Mr. Landrus to stay away from all Klatke company property and stop
harassing them proves that they all knew, see Deed #185433 in the case file.
In the original police report Dan Asmus ACSD left out the conversation between he and I
regarding the constant harassment and trespassing that we have been receiving regarding Doug
Landrus and family. I mentioned to him some of the numerous things he and his family have
done to us. If my civil rights had been upheld, and I would have been provided a signed
statement and amended statement then numerous other violations would have been reported.
The property line that Bob Mlynar was so adamant in finding in his letter 1/31/12 has not been
presented in the documents supplied to us from Jimmy Ratz ACA on 8/24/12, therefore how did
he determine that the illegal baited trap that killed my dog was on mine or my fathers property,
or was it part of the plot for public water, they all know where it is they just can not admit it
because of the corruption, in fact the last time we tried to locate the property line and marker we
couldn’t find it, as to Bob Mlynar comment in the 1/31/12 letter, it was surveyed in 8/1954 when
sold to Albert Whittier, and again in 1973 when David Klatke Jr. acquired it by a surveyor named
Voight, and there has to be a survey of the C/S Dam in 1973, and then a survey in 1990 by Terry
Betley. The only way it could be missing is that when they put the C/S dam in they pulled it out
or ACHD pulled it in the trespass in 2002 or 2007 trespass, and rest assured we will not resurvey
the property to alleviate the County/State or Terry Betley of their crimes. You know have
to relocate this marker and replace it, mark it and notify us.
I am requesting the following information/questions answered:
*The illegally taped conversation between Bob Mlynar and myself, 1/12/12. Please see attached
itemized list of documentation received by me.
*The documentation Bob Mlynar used to determine property lines for this case. Please see
attached itemized list of documentation received by me.
*The courts have all the documentation regarding this case. What is the purpose of subpoenaing
*Who requested the live testimony ? (subpoena).
*How could Bob Mlynar know there was no trapping violation when he wasn’t even sure of the
property line? Or did he already know. He stated there was no trapping issues in the taped
recording between himself and Landrus, one day after the crime. Neither of the officers asked
Landrus or his son for trapping licenses. They killed my dog in a baited lethal trap on private
property and no trapping violation?
*In the evidence provided me there are no pictures of Doug Landrus’ or his son’s footwear while
there are numerous photos of the footprints at the crime scene. Yet the truck tires were an
evident match to the photos also taken at the crime scene. All foot/vehicle tracks are on my
property, there are no tracks anywhere near the lakeshore from the lake side. The closest seen
was at least 100 ft. out on the ice and did not approach the shoreline. And no vehicle, 4-wheeler
or snow mobile tracks either. This was noted not only by myself, but Sheriff Asmus commented
on no tracks coming up to the shoreline from the lake and to the trap area in his report.
*I want a copy of this letter also included in the court file.
*Why was the court ordered no contact not enforced on the defendant ?, Why is it not included in
the court file ?, when reported on 7/31/2012, I went to ACA office on 8/14/2012 and could not
get information in writing, I want a copy of the Sheriff’s report and the ACA response report.
Who the hell is representing us any way? In the Florence Packet Exhibit # 1 there is
representation for us to the defendants statement he set from the (ice) public water statement,
limited discovery documents in the court file sent to us, you shysters are deliberately fabricating
this case, if you don’t dispute this all of the other private property issues are meaningless. The
state can shut the defense down cold with one statement from sheriff Asmus, the foot traffic did
not approach the shoreline, You can not be this incompetent.
We will not allow the state to use this tragedy to eliminate their crimes, at first glance this
seemed to be apart of the cover-up, but now it is appearing to us that it was a set-up for the
cover-up. There is no where to run and nowhere to hide and now the house and senate have
fully joined the cover-up and land fraud corruption.
Best wishes,
Timothy Klatke
Enclosure: Itemized List of Documentation received by James Ratz on 8/24/2012
Cc: Lori Swanson, Attorney General
Scott Turner, Aitkin County Sheriff
Tom Landwehr, DNR Commissioner
Lonnie Thomas, DNR AH
Robert Mueller, FBI
Boelter & McCabe, MN FBI
Al Franken, Senator
Amy Klobuchar, Senator
Joyce Pepin, House Representative
Warren Limmer, Senator
Eric Paulsen, Congressman
David & Darlene Klatke
Kevin Fern
John Erickson, Erickson & Pearson Law Offices, 319 South Sixth Street, Suite 525, Brainerd, MN 56401 (for relators)
Jack Y. Perry, Tamika R. Nordstrom, Briggs & Morgan, P.A., 2400 IDS Center, Minneapolis, MN 55402 (for respondent George Shetka and Charles Hawkinson)
Michael J. Ford, Quinlivan & Hughes, P.A., 400 South First Street, Suite 600, St. Cloud, MN 56302; and
Bradley Rhodes, Aitkin County Attorney, James P. Ratz, Assistant County Attorney, 209 Second Street Northwest, Aitkin, MN 56431 (for respondent Aitkin County)
Considered and decided by Anderson, Presiding Judge, Schumacher, Judge, and Peterson, Judge.
2. If a conditional use permit application is granted as a matter of law under Minn. Stat. § 15.99, subd. 2 (1988), a county board does not act arbitrarily, or otherwise improperly, when it affirms the grant of the application.
3. Participants in the quasi-judicial process of considering a conditional use permit application are entitled to reasonable notice of hearing and a reasonable opportunity to be heard.
Respondents applied to Aitkin County for a conditional use permit (CUP) to operate a hot-mix, asphalt plant on property in Fleming Township. When the county planning commission initially considered the CUP application, it stated it was conditionally granting the application and that specific conditions for the operation of the hot-mix plant would be imposed later. The planning commission later approved certain conditions and relators appealed the planning commission's decision to the Aitkin County Board of Commissioners, which denied the appeal. On appeal to this court from the county board's denial of the appeal from the planning commission, relators challenge the grant of the CUP and the process used to create the later-imposed conditions. Because the county board's decision to deny the portion of the appeal challenging the grant of the CUP is consistent with Minn. Stat. § 15.99, subd. 2 (1998), and because relators have not shown that the process used to create the conditions was defective, we affirm.
The Gun Lake Resident's Association and Robert Carlson, among others, opposed the application. The Fleming Township Board of Supervisors sent the county planning commission a letter expressing the board's opposition to allowing a hot-mix facility on Shetka's land. In July 1998, the township board sent the planning commission another letter stating that the township wanted to present its case for adopting a list of conditions for any CUP the county might grant.
At some point in July 1998, the township board, residents' associations, Hawkinson, Shetka, and a representative of an environmental group met. They discussed, and at least tentatively agreed upon, conditions for the operation of the proposed hot-mix plant. On July 20, 1998, the county planning commission met to address the CUP application. At that meeting: (a) the proposed conditions were presented to the planning commission; (b) a township representative stated that the township board believed the proposed conditions were "solid," would protect the surrounding environment, and that the township board was in favor of granting the CUP with those conditions; (c) the planning commission noted that two other sets of proposed conditions had been introduced; (d) Shetka's attorney argued that if the legal requirements for a CUP were satisfied, the commission lacked discretion to deny the application; (e) questions were raised about whether there were other possible sites for a hot-mix plant in the county; and (f) the planning commission stated that it was conditionally approving the CUP application but that the question of conditions for the CUP would be referred to an ad hoc environmental responsibility team made up of two members of the planning commission, the county attorney, and staff from the zoning office.
On July 20, 1998, the county zoning ordinance required that an appeal of a planning commission decision be taken to the county board within 30 days. No appeal of the planning commission's July 20 decision was taken. On July 29, 1998, the environmental responsibility team met to create a list of proposed conditions for the CUP. A representative from the township and counsel for Carlson were allowed to be "non-verbal observers" at the meeting.
An August 14, 1998, letter from the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board to the planning commission stated that an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) had been requested for the proposed hot-mix plant and that the county was the proper authority to ask the CUP applicant to complete the worksheet. Effective August 25, 1998, the county zoning ordinance was amended to require that an appeal of a planning commission decision be by writ of certiorari to the Minnesota Court of Appeals. An EAW was filed in February 1999. Comments on the EAW were filed through early March. Comments from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency stated that while the odor associated with the hot-mix plant would not be easy to address, the other aspects of the EAW were not a major concern.
A March 22, 1999, memorandum from the county planning commission to the county board stated that the environmental responsibility team did not recommend continuing the environmental review process by requiring an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the proposed facility. The next day, the county issued its decision against requiring a full EIS, stating that the identified environmental impacts were minor and/or temporary, the plan did not include environmental effects that could not be addressed, and the project lacks a potential for significant environmental effects.
On April 19, 1999, the full planning commission met to consider the list of proposed CUP conditions that had been developed by the environmental responsibility team. Relators' counsel argued that the process for developing the conditions had been flawed because his attempt to put information in the record (apparently at the July 29 meeting that started the process for drafting the conditions) had been ignored. The chair of the commission replied that the only thing at issue at the meeting was the propriety of the conditions for the CUP. After some alterations, the commission approved the proposed conditions. Counsel for Carlson asked how to appeal the planning commission's decision and the county attorney told him to appeal to the county board.
On May 15, Carlson's counsel sent the county board a letter stating that Carlson was appealing the "April 19, 1999 granting of a [CUP.]" [1] On August 10, the county board heard the appeal. On August 31, the board voted 3-2 to deny the appeal. This appeal followed. During the pendency of the appeal, Fleming Township was dismissed as a party to the appeal.
2. Did relators show defects in the process used to create the conditions imposed on the conditional use permit?
Sixty days from May 20, 1998, was Sunday, July 19, 1998. Therefore, the last day for the county to approve or deny the application was Monday, July 20, 1998. See Minn. Stat. § 645.15 (1998) (stating, if last day of relevant period is Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, period continues to next day that is not Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday). On July 20, 1998, the county planning commission stated that it was "conditionally approving" the CUP application and that the conditions for the approval would be addressed later.
It is not clear from the record whether the planning commission intended to actually grant the CUP application on July 20, 1998. The record of the July 20, 1998, hearing includes statements by the chairman of the planning commission indicating that the commission was "[c]onditionally approving; we are not approving [the application]. It will not be approved or disapproved until the next meeting, based on what the conditions are with the committee--[.]" Similarly, the minutes of the April 19, 1999, planning commission meeting indicate that the chair of the planning commission "stated that if [the conditions proposed by the environmental responsibility team] make this permit acceptable and there are successful findings of fact, the commission will approve the [CUP.]”
Although it is not clear whether the planning commission intended to grant the CUP application on July 20, 1998, it is clear that the commission did not deny the application. Therefore, either the application was approved by an affirmative act of the planning commission on July 20, or the application was approved as a matter of law under Minn. Stat. § 15.99, subd. 2, because the planning commission failed to deny the application within 60 days. See Demolition Landfill Servs., LLC v. City of Duluth, 609 N.W.2d 278, 281 (Minn. App. 2000) (holding that, under Minn. Stat. § 15.99, subd. 2, an agency's rejection of a resolution to grant a permit application was not equivalent to denying the application and therefore, the permit was granted as a matter of law), pet. for rev. filed (Minn. May 26, 2000). [2]
As of July 1998, section 11.05 of the Aitkin County zoning ordinance stated that “any decision of the Planning Commission” regarding a CUP application could be appealed to the county board within 30 days. Aitkin County, Minn., Zoning Ordinance § 11.05 (1996) (emphasis added). [3] For purposes of this appeal, we assume that the ordinance's use of “any decision” refers to “any final decision” and that therefore, the planning commission's July 20, 1998, statement that it would rule on the conditions for the CUP application at a later date rendered the July 20 grant of the CUP (be it a grant by the planning commission, a conditional grant by the planning commission, or a grant by operation of law under Minn. Sta.t § 15.99, subd. 2) non-final and hence not appealable to the county board until the planning commission made its decision on conditions for the CUP. [4]
On appeal of a county's denial of a CUP application, we review whether the decision was arbitrary, oppressive, unreasonable, fraudulent, under an erroneous theory of law or without evidentiary support. Molnar v. County of Carver Bd. of Comm'rs, 568 N.W.2d 177, 181 (Minn. App. 1997). Relators allege that the grant of the CUP application is defective because the county failed to abide by relevant statutes and ordinances, failed to make adequate findings of fact, and made findings that were not supported by the record. But the result reached by the county board, which, in effect, affirmed the grant of the CUP, is not only allowed, but compelled, by statute due to the county's failure to deny the CUP application within the period set out by Minn. Stat. § 15.99, subd. 2. We cannot hold that the county acted in an arbitrary, or otherwise improper, fashion when the result it reached was compelled by statute.
Relators appealed the planning commission's decision pursuant to advice from the Aitkin County Attorney that the old appeal process continued to apply to applications initiated before the effective date of the ordinance amendment. It is not apparent from the record what authority the county attorney relied on to conclude that the old appeal process applied. We have found nothing that indicates one way or the other whether the ordinance amendment was to be applied to applications that were pending when the amendment became effective. Therefore, because the record does not permit meaningful analysis of this question, and because we conclude that a decision on this issue will not change the effect that our ultimate decision will have on the parties, we decline to determine which appeal process applies. We assume that an appeal to the county board under the old appeal process was proper.
Relators allege that the planning commission's process for developing the conditions for the CUP deprived them of due process of law and violated the open meeting law. [5] To support their argument, relators cite the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution, Article I, Section 7, of the Minnesota Constitution, and the Minnesota Open Meeting Law, Minn. Stat. § 471.705 (1998). But relators do not explain how the constitutional and statutory provisions they cite were violated; they simply argue in a conclusory fashion that the provisions were violated. Absent an attempt to apply the law that they cite, relators failed to carry their appellate burden to show error and prejudice. Midway Ctr. Assocs. v. Midway Ctr., Inc., 306 Minn. 352, 356, 237 N.W.2d 76, 78 (1975).
Furthermore, quasi-judicial proceedings, such as considering a CUP application, do not generally invoke "the full panoply of procedures required in regular judicial proceedings[;]" the applicable rights of due process are "reasonable notice of hearing and a reasonable opportunity to be heard." Barton Contracting Co., Inc. v. City of Afton, 268 N.W.2d 712, 716 (Minn. 1978).
Relators allege that they were precluded from meaningful participation in the environmental review team's construction of the list of conditions for the CUP. But although relators were not able to actively participate in drafting some of the conditions proposed for the CUP, they had substantial input in at least one of the preliminary lists of proposed conditions considered by the environmental review team. Relators also participated in both the April 19, 1999, hearing at which the planning commission considered the conditions proposed by the environmental review team and in the appeal of that decision to the county board. Thus, while relators may not have been allowed to participate in an early stage of the drafting of proposed CUP conditions, they were allowed to address the reasonableness of the conditions at least twice.
Relators also object to the planning commission's “apparent rejection” of the “settlement agreement” approved by the parties in July 1998. Relators, however, cite no authority that requires a governmental body responsible for zoning decisions to accept the terms of an agreement among third parties. Absent any authority indicating that relators' opportunities to be heard were inadequate, we cannot say that relators have shown that they were denied the limited due process to which they were entitled in the quasi-judicial proceeding.
[2] Relators argue that whether the CUP application was approved as a matter of law is not properly before this court because respondents did not file a notice of review raising that issue. But appellate courts have the obligation to decide cases consistent with the law. See State v. Hannuksela, 452 N.W.2d 668, 673 n.7 (Minn. 1990) (“it is the responsibility of appellate courts to decide cases in accordance with law and that responsibility is not to be `diluted by counsel's oversights, lack of research, failure to specify issues or to cite relevant authorities'”) (citation omitted); Greenbush State Bank v. Stephens, 463 N.W.2d 303, 306 n.1 (Minn. App. 1990) (applying Hannuksela in a civil case), review denied (Minn. Feb. 4. 1991). Our decision simply recognizes that under Minn. Stat. § 15.99, subd. 2, the planning commission's failure to deny the CUP application within 60 days after it was submitted is an approval of the application. The approval occurred without any further action by respondents to invoke their rights under the statute, and the respondents did not lose their rights under the statute by failing to file a notice of review.
[3] After oral argument to this court, the county was directed by order of this court to file copies of the county's zoning ordinance in effect on May 18, 1998, and all later amendments. In addition to the requested documents, this court received numerous other post-oral-argument submissions from the parties. The unsolicited submissions were improper and were not considered in the resolution of this appeal. See Minn. R. Civ. App. P. 128.02, subd. 4 (stating that no brief beyond those identified in the rules may be filed without leave of the court).
[4] Our construction of the ordinance is consistent with the amended version of the ordinance that became effective in August 1998 and allows appeal of “any decision of the Planning Commission relative to a conditional use permit” to this court by writ of certiorari. (emphasis added). See In re Application by City of Rochester for Adjustment of Serv. Area Boundaries With Peoples Coop. Power Ass'n. Inc., 524 N.W.2d 540, 541 (Minn. App. 1994) (stating certiorari ordinarily available only when ruling sought to be reviewed is final, rather than interlocutory, determination). If the ordinance in effect in July 1998 did not require a final decision for appeal to the county board, the planning commission's failure to immediately rule on the conditions for the CUP did not render the July 20, 1998, grant of the CUP (be it a grant by the planning commission, a conditional grant by the planning commission, or a grant by operation of law under Minn. Stat. § 15.99, subd. 2) unappealable. Under this analysis, relators' May 1999 attempt to appeal the July 1998 grant was untimely, the grant of the CUP application was not properly before the county board and is not properly before this court.
[5] The parties' arguments on this issue assume that conditions can be imposed on a CUP after the date on which the CUP would otherwise have been granted under Minn. Stat. § 15.99, subd. 2. We express no opinion on this question. AttorneyProSe_Private AG,
ECF 65913 Pacer:sa1299 Tel: 651-776-5835 HEALTH CARE Candidate 2012Senate64
Thurs.20Sept.2012 Re: Aitkin Land Corruption
State of Minnesota by and thro Aitkin County Attorney
James Ratz
vs. Crim File 01cr12-318
Tim Klatke et al
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Register of Actions
Case No. 01-CR-12-318
State of Minnesota vs DOUGLAS LAMONT LANDRUS | § § § § § |
Lead Attorneys | ||||
Defendant | LANDRUS, DOUGLAS LAMONT | DOB: 10/26/1960 |
RUSSELL LEISTICO Retained 320-251-6700(W) | |
PALISADE, MN 56469 | ||||
Jurisdiction | State of Minnesota | SARAH
ELIZABETH WINGE 218-927-7347(W) | ||
Charges: LANDRUS, DOUGLAS LAMONT | Statute | Level | Date | ||
1. | Trespass-Remaining on land prohibited after notice (Not applicable - GOC) | 97B.001.3 | Gross Misdemeanor | 01/01/2012 | |
2. | Hunting-Wound or Kill Domestic Animal (Not applicable - GOC) | 97B.001.8(1) | Misdemeanor | 01/01/2012 |
04/05/2012 | Complaint Summons (Judicial Officer: Solien, John R. ) | ||||||
04/05/2012 | Affidavit of Mailing | ||||||
04/13/2012 | Affidavit for Restitution | ||||||
04/23/2012 | First Appearance (2:30 PM)
(Judicial Officer Solien, John R.)
| ||||||
04/23/2012 | Interim Condition for LANDRUS,
- Keep court/attorney informed of current
- No contact with victim(s) - Released on own recognizance - Remain law-abiding - Make all future court appearances - Make and maintain contact with attorney | ||||||
05/10/2012 | Certificate of
| ||||||
05/10/2012 | Demand/Request for Discovery
| ||||||
05/10/2012 | Correspondence
| ||||||
05/15/2012 | Discovery Disclosure
| ||||||
07/12/2012 | Notice of Motion and Motion
| ||||||
08/08/2012 | Transcript | ||||||
08/16/2012 | Correspondence | ||||||
08/20/2012 | Correspondence | ||||||
08/21/2012 | Contested Omnibus (9:00
AM) (Judicial Officer Solien, John R.)
| ||||||
09/05/2012 | Transcript | ||||||
10/30/2012 | Contested Omnibus (1:30
PM) (Judicial Officer Solien, John R.)
Re: Another illegal trespass and illegal repair of control
structure / dam
Re: Case # 01-CR-12-318, State representation.
Re: Incomplete Court document file and non itemized document list sent 8/24/12 sent by Jimmy
Re: letter dated 8/29/2012 contested omnibus hearing continuance, subpoena.
Re: Case # 01-CR-12-318, State representation.
Re: Incomplete Court document file and non itemized document list sent 8/24/12 sent by Jimmy
Re: letter dated 8/29/2012 contested omnibus hearing continuance, subpoena.
Itemized list of documentation received by James Ratz on 8/24/12:
*Cover sheet 8/24/12
*Aitkin County Information Disclosure Request (8/14/12).
*Aitkin County Sheriff Department Incident Detail Report (2/17/12).
*State of Minnesota DNR Initial Complaint Report (1/31/12).
*State of Minnesota DNR Supplemental Report (3/21/12).
*Aitkin County Sheriff Department Supplemental Report (2/17/12).
*Taped Transcript Mlynar, Landrus, Asmus (1/11/12).
*Aitkin County Sheriff Department pictures 11 pages.
*Minnesota DNR pictures 10 pages.
*Lake layout photo 1 page.
*Letter from DNR to David Klatke (1/14/12).
*Letter from Timothy Klatke to Tom Provost (2/6/12).
*Timothy and David Klatke’s letter to MN DNR Officer Mlynar (1/25/12).
*Timothy Klatke’s Public Safety Letter (1/25/12).
*Timothy Klatke’s letter to Aitkin County Attorney’s office to Jessica Brown (4/10/12).
*Timothy and David Klatke’s letter to Aitkin County Attorneys James Ratz and Ben Smith
*Letter from Moss and Burnett to John Welle (3/24/03).
*Letter from Moss and Burnett to Doug Landrus (8/27/03).
*Letter from Moss and Burnett to Tom Murtha, Aitkin County Attorney (9/4/03).
These items were submitted to the Aitkin County Attorney’s office but were not included in the
received documentation:
*Letter from Iverson / Reuvers representing Aitkin County (1/19/12).
*Letters from Kevin Fern to James Ratz (dated 2/2/12, 2/26/12 and 5/1/12).
Items not provided.
1)MN. DNR Bob Mlynar’s taped conversation 1/12/12, illegally acquired recording.
2) Bob Mlynar’s property line documentation.
3) Court ordered no contact complaint documents and actions.
Timothy L. Klatke
11600 East French Lake Road
Maple Grove, Minnesota 55369
Timothy L. Klatke
11600 East French Lake Road
Maple Grove, Minnesota 55369
James Ratz / Sarah Winge / Jessica Brown
217 Second Street N.W. - RM 231
Aitkin, MN 56431
Re: Another illegal trespass and illegal repair of control structure / dam
Re: Case # 01-CR-12-318, State representation.
Re: Incomplete Court document file and non itemized document list sent 8/24/12 sent by Jimmy
Re: letter dated 8/29/2012 contested omnibus hearing continuance, subpoena.
To All Addressed:
We are giving you all notice that the public, legal and judicial corruption in Aitkin County, the
State of Minnesota and the Federal government is now part of a national movie documentary
including a congressional testimony and the subject of many government corruption blogs,
which is now being seen by the whole country. Us and the public have had enough, every action
and every future action are being mirrored.
It was brought to our attention that Aitkin county and/or the DNR went onto our property again
on 8/22/12, (one day after the contested omnibus hearing) illegally trespassing and sand
bagging/repairing an illegal control structure/dam and harassing us yet again. These actions fall
into the stalking / harassment guidelines. It is again a futile attempt to divert the attention away
from original county and state crimes by bringing us back into the illegal corrupt court system.
( Kangaroo Court ).
State representation of Case # 01-CR-12-318
On review of the documents sent on 8/24/12 there are some documents that the county attorney
should have presented me to support my case and are a part of the investigation in the killing of
my dog Queenie and the trespassing/stalking issues. There are prevalent issues missing in Bob
Mlynar’s and Dan Asmus’s statements. The recorded phone conversation of myself in the initial
complaint report 1/31/12. In the evidence letter there are 2 digital tape recordings, only one was
sent, the taped transcript between Mlynar, Asmus, Landrus.
I request the recorded conversation between myself and Bob Mlynar from 1/12/12, which was
taken illegally, he never stated that he was recording our conversation. This is basic law and I
don’t do taped phone statements or recordings as stated to Sheriff Asmus when he tried to get a
delinquent statement. They are all trying to catch us in a threat, intent to do harm statement,
slander, defamation of character or push us into an actual assault so Aitkin County Attorney
Jimmy Ratz and Judge John R. Solien can force us into court or jail, extort more money and
pressure us into giving up our pursuit of their crimes. Their desperation is evident and this could
be the reason for the trap to be placed in this specific area.
Sarah Winge, Aitkin county assistant attorney, I am advising you to publicly withdraw from this
case and force Jimmy Ratz, to take it over, he is already involved in many crimes against us so
what’s another crime? It looks like you are forced to do crimes against the people you work for,
the taxpayers and myself. Quit or withdraw before you get deeper in this situation. At least Ben
Smith, your former assistant county attorney co-worker, had enough sense to quit and leave the
county corruption, cut his losses and not continue in another crime against us, and not let Ratz
and Solien force him into another criminal act in the court. The last illegal case Ratz and Solien
did to us they had the case moving to a jury trial and their lawyer in crime, Hess Law Firm was
fired. I have witnessed all of these crimes and they are documented. They knew they couldn’t
manipulate us representing ourselves so Solien had to stop the trial and force an order, like they
are not capable of selecting a corrupt group for a trial in this kangaroo court. I bet they have a
select jury group on speed dial for these specific situations.
Based on my past experiences, I believe Turner, Ratz and Solien are very capable of picking a
select person, let them out of a serious crime in exchange for a favor down the road like they
needed in this specific situation. How else can you draw attention to the illegal C/S Dam area,
on private property with no jurisdiction, especially when there outside legal help failed, but to
get a trapper to set in this specific area that they have to draw attention to, the plan was for us to
find the trap and tamper with it or report it on my property, and then they would start up with the
courts persecution of us, but their plan back fired when my dog was killed and now they are
forced to represent me as a victim, which created a big problem in the court preceding so they
had to minimize the charges so they can let the person out of yet another crime, (who said crime
doesn’t pay), bypass legal protocol, minimize the charges, fabricate the statements and evidence,
work with the defense lawyer, manipulate the court proceedings, throw out the material facts, set
a new precedence to the area, PUBLIC WATER, WATER RIGHT OF WAY, HIGH WATER
MARK, to get out of their past crimes and then persecute the victim on top of it all and subpoena
them to court, and down the road start up again in the corrupt courts on the land fraud, sounds
pretty accurate to me.
The problem with dealing with criminals all the time is, if you aren’t a man or woman of high
moral values, spiritually grounded with impeccable integrity you are bound to become one. As is
the case here. Here is the catalyst for the set up Scott Turner Aitkin County Sheriff, Jimmy Ratz
and Judge John R. Solien all start getting caught in crimes no big deal, it’s happened before, so
they start working together illegally pulling favors for each other and it works for a while and all
of a sudden they meet a foe that is tenacious in not letting them abuse their power and
corruption, so they all pool their resources and hit their foe with a vengeance, and the foe is still
standing and not only standing but starting to destroy the individuals one by one, sinking them
deeper into the crimes, so they try something even more dramatic and criminal to no avail.
That’s where we are at now. None of you can be representing this case you have committed
Treason and perjury and fraud just to name a few crimes - you are all criminals, and you know it
is well documented.
August 29, 2012 letter from Jessica Brown Aitkin County Crimes victim advocate, pretrial issues
being contested by the defense.
1. Whether defendant was trespassing/public right of way.
The state of Minnesota failed to produce any documents or laws that gave them the right to have
the control/structure dam on our private property, (where the trap was set), it has been since
2001, over 11 years, since the county/state has been trying to push their illegal criminal agenda
on us because the state knows it is a massive liability and tied to other crimes, to have the illegal
C/S Dam on our property. Just because the illegal C/S Dam was placed inside our shoreline,
doesn’t constitute public water up to it. In fact, it is further proof that it is part of the plot or
maneuver by the state to illegally set a precedence to eliminate their crimes. Aitkin County
attorneys are not properly representing my case. It is provable by the fact there is nothing in
Exhibit 1 proving the C/S Dam is on private property, (if they do they incriminate the
county/state/federal government). The state DNR and MN. Conservation Officer Bob Mlynar
know the private property rules and shoreline trespass laws. Because we shut down the firm
Iverson & Reuvers (the state of Minnesota’s outside legal council paid for with more tax payer
dollars, there are four assistant attorney’s and the county attorney costing us around 350,000
thousand a year plus benefits and they are hiring an outside legal firm, can you figure out why?
Jimmy Ratz is caught in the crimes and his conflict of interest living on the same lake), with the
U.S.G.S. Quadrangle map Esquagama, MN/MSA 1973, which was deliberately left out of the
case file dated 2/2/12, showing no public water easement or right of way on our property. This
makes the C/S Dam illegal and in turn gives no public water way jurisdiction of any type in front
of or in back of the C/S Dam, the DNR should then acknowledge that in this situation the proper
way to determine private property here is to run a line from the outermost point of the shoreline
on each side of the opening and that is the edge of the shore and now go three feet from the high
water mark from that line and that is the legal boundary, which puts the location of the baited
lethal trap and the C/S Dam well within our private property rights, and add to that figure the
amount of shoreline that was lost over the years from the illegal C/S Dam and it is even further
out. The DNR knows that a boat or person can’t encroach on private shoreline, which is the
three feet from the high water mark, that in turn makes any water inside the shoreline non
navigable water and private.
That now changes the charges to Felonies, not Gross Misdemeanor and Misdemeanor. And make
it a direct trapping violation and criminal stalking issue.
2. Whether the defendant had reason to know he wasn’t allowed on the property.
Doug Landrus and his family and relatives knew they are not allowed on our property. He states
that in his taped statement and police reports (when confronted by Tim Klatke verbally)to Bob
Mlynar and Aitkin County Sheriff Dan Asmus in the 1/31/12 initial law enforcement report. An
incident occurred on Tim’s property 8/23/2003 which lead to the 8/27/03 certified letter
(restraining order) telling Mr. Landrus to stay away from all Klatke company property and stop
harassing them proves that they all knew, see Deed #185433 in the case file.
In the original police report Dan Asmus ACSD left out the conversation between he and I
regarding the constant harassment and trespassing that we have been receiving regarding Doug
Landrus and family. I mentioned to him some of the numerous things he and his family have
done to us. If my civil rights had been upheld, and I would have been provided a signed
statement and amended statement then numerous other violations would have been reported.
The property line that Bob Mlynar was so adamant in finding in his letter 1/31/12 has not been
presented in the documents supplied to us from Jimmy Ratz ACA on 8/24/12, therefore how did
he determine that the illegal baited trap that killed my dog was on mine or my fathers property,
or was it part of the plot for public water, they all know where it is they just can not admit it
because of the corruption, in fact the last time we tried to locate the property line and marker we
couldn’t find it, as to Bob Mlynar comment in the 1/31/12 letter, it was surveyed in 8/1954 when
sold to Albert Whittier, and again in 1973 when David Klatke Jr. acquired it by a surveyor named
Voight, and there has to be a survey of the C/S Dam in 1973, and then a survey in 1990 by Terry
Betley. The only way it could be missing is that when they put the C/S dam in they pulled it out
or ACHD pulled it in the trespass in 2002 or 2007 trespass, and rest assured we will not resurvey
the property to alleviate the County/State or Terry Betley of their crimes. You know have
to relocate this marker and replace it, mark it and notify us.
I am requesting the following information/questions answered:
*The illegally taped conversation between Bob Mlynar and myself, 1/12/12. Please see attached
itemized list of documentation received by me.
*The documentation Bob Mlynar used to determine property lines for this case. Please see
attached itemized list of documentation received by me.
*The courts have all the documentation regarding this case. What is the purpose of subpoenaing
*Who requested the live testimony ? (subpoena).
*How could Bob Mlynar know there was no trapping violation when he wasn’t even sure of the
property line? Or did he already know. He stated there was no trapping issues in the taped
recording between himself and Landrus, one day after the crime. Neither of the officers asked
Landrus or his son for trapping licenses. They killed my dog in a baited lethal trap on private
property and no trapping violation?
*In the evidence provided me there are no pictures of Doug Landrus’ or his son’s footwear while
there are numerous photos of the footprints at the crime scene. Yet the truck tires were an
evident match to the photos also taken at the crime scene. All foot/vehicle tracks are on my
property, there are no tracks anywhere near the lakeshore from the lake side. The closest seen
was at least 100 ft. out on the ice and did not approach the shoreline. And no vehicle, 4-wheeler
or snow mobile tracks either. This was noted not only by myself, but Sheriff Asmus commented
on no tracks coming up to the shoreline from the lake and to the trap area in his report.
*I want a copy of this letter also included in the court file.
*Why was the court ordered no contact not enforced on the defendant ?, Why is it not included in
the court file ?, when reported on 7/31/2012, I went to ACA office on 8/14/2012 and could not
get information in writing, I want a copy of the Sheriff’s report and the ACA response report.
Who the hell is representing us any way? In the Florence Packet Exhibit # 1 there is
representation for us to the defendants statement he set from the (ice) public water statement,
limited discovery documents in the court file sent to us, you shysters are deliberately fabricating
this case, if you don’t dispute this all of the other private property issues are meaningless. The
state can shut the defense down cold with one statement from sheriff Asmus, the foot traffic did
not approach the shoreline, You can not be this incompetent.
We will not allow the state to use this tragedy to eliminate their crimes, at first glance this
seemed to be apart of the cover-up, but now it is appearing to us that it was a set-up for the
cover-up. There is no where to run and nowhere to hide and now the house and senate have
fully joined the cover-up and land fraud corruption.
Best wishes,
Timothy Klatke
Enclosure: Itemized List of Documentation received by James Ratz on 8/24/2012
Cc: Lori Swanson, Attorney General
Scott Turner, Aitkin County Sheriff
Tom Landwehr, DNR Commissioner
Lonnie Thomas, DNR AH
Robert Mueller, FBI
Boelter & McCabe, MN FBI
Al Franken, Senator
Amy Klobuchar, Senator
Joyce Pepin, House Representative
Warren Limmer, Senator
Eric Paulsen, Congressman
David & Darlene Klatke
Kevin Fern
Tim doing
what I can finally opened File will transferr to
Ratz tried to committ me; Haven't been on my property for over 10 years due to
Aitkin Corruption.
Perhaps you should remove
this alleged Criminal Case to Federal Court,
Notify Aitkin Commissioners re: Eminent Domain
re Petition for Disciplinary Action against
C. Rhodes, a Minnesota
No. 155913.
Director of the Office of Lawyers Professional Responsibility has filed a
petition for disciplinary action alleging that respondent Bradley C. Rhodes has
committed professional misconduct warranting public discipline, namely, failing
to serve and file a brief during his representation of a client in a criminal
matter, failing to timely serve and file another brief for that client, and
failing to cooperate with the Director’s investigation of the matter, in
violation of Minn. R. Prof. Conduct 1.3, 3.2, 3.4(c), 8.1(a)(3), and 8.4(d), and
Rule 25, Rules on Lawyers Professional Responsibility (RLPR).
admits his conduct violated the Rules of Professional Conduct, waives his rights
under Rule 14, RLPR, and has entered into a stipulation with the Director in
which they jointly recommend that the appropriate discipline is a public
reprimand, payment of $930 in costs and disbursements under Rule 24, RLPR, and
two years of supervised probation subject to the following conditions:
Respondent shall cooperate fully with the Director’s Office in its efforts to
monitor compliance with this probation and promptly respond to the Director’s
correspondence by the due date. Respondent shall cooperate with the Director’s
investigation of any allegations of unprofessional conduct which may come to the
Director’s attention. Upon the Director’s request, respondent shall provide
authorization for release of information and documentation to verify compliance
with the terms of this probation.
Respondent shall abide by the Minnesota Rules of Professional
Respondent shall be supervised by a licensed
Minnesota attorney, appointed by
the Director to monitor compliance with the terms of this probation. Respondent
shall provide to the Director the names of four attorneys who have agreed to be
nominated as respondent’s supervisor within two weeks from the date the
stipulation was executed. If, after diligent effort, respondent is unable to
locate a supervisor acceptable to the Director, the Director will seek to
appoint a supervisor. Until a supervisor has signed a consent to supervise, the
respondent shall on the first day of each month provide the Director with an
inventory of active client files described in paragraph d. below. Respondent
shall make active client files available to the Director upon
Respondent shall cooperate fully with the supervisor in his/her efforts to
monitor compliance with this probation. Respondent shall contact the supervisor
and schedule a minimum of one in-person meeting per calendar quarter. Respondent
shall submit to the supervisor an inventory of all active client files by the
first day of each month during the probation. With respect to each active file,
the inventory shall disclose the client name, type of representation, date
opened, most recent activity, next anticipated action, and anticipated closing
date. Respondent’s supervisor shall file written reports with the Director at
least quarterly, or at such more frequent intervals as may reasonably be
requested by the Director.
Respondent shall initiate and maintain office procedures which ensure that there
are prompt responses to correspondence, telephone calls, and other important
communications from clients, courts and other persons interested in matters that
respondent is handling, and which will ensure that respondent regularly reviews
each and every file and completes legal matters on a timely basis.
Within thirty days from the execution of the stipulation, respondent shall
provide to the Director and to the probation supervisor, if any, a written plan
outlining office procedures designed to ensure that respondent is in compliance
with probation requirements. Respondent shall provide progress reports as
court has independently reviewed the file and approves the jointly recommended
upon all the files, records and proceedings herein,
HEREBY ORDERED that respondent Bradley C. Rhodes is publicly reprimanded and
placed on supervised probation for two years from the date of this order subject
to the agreed-upon conditions set forth above. Respondent shall pay $930 in
costs and disbursements under Rule 24, RLPR.
May 18, 2005
A. Anderson
Associate Justice
Gun Lake Association, et al.,
County of Aitkin,
individually and by and through
its planning commission and board of commissioners,
individually and by and through
its planning commission and board of commissioners,
George Shetka, et al.,
Filed June 20, 2000
Peterson, Judge
Peterson, Judge
Aitkin County Board of Commissioners
Thomas A. Streitz, 4531 Wentworth Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55409 (for
relators) John Erickson, Erickson & Pearson Law Offices, 319 South Sixth Street, Suite 525, Brainerd, MN 56401 (for relators)
Jack Y. Perry, Tamika R. Nordstrom, Briggs & Morgan, P.A., 2400 IDS Center, Minneapolis, MN 55402 (for respondent George Shetka and Charles Hawkinson)
Michael J. Ford, Quinlivan & Hughes, P.A., 400 South First Street, Suite 600, St. Cloud, MN 56302; and
Bradley Rhodes, Aitkin County Attorney, James P. Ratz, Assistant County Attorney, 209 Second Street Northwest, Aitkin, MN 56431 (for respondent Aitkin County)
Considered and decided by Anderson, Presiding Judge, Schumacher, Judge, and Peterson, Judge.
1. Under Minn. Stat. § 15.99, subd. 2 (1998), a conditional use permit is granted as a matter of law if, within 60 days after the application is submitted, a county planning commission does not deny the permit application.2. If a conditional use permit application is granted as a matter of law under Minn. Stat. § 15.99, subd. 2 (1988), a county board does not act arbitrarily, or otherwise improperly, when it affirms the grant of the application.
3. Participants in the quasi-judicial process of considering a conditional use permit application are entitled to reasonable notice of hearing and a reasonable opportunity to be heard.
PETERSON, JudgeRespondents applied to Aitkin County for a conditional use permit (CUP) to operate a hot-mix, asphalt plant on property in Fleming Township. When the county planning commission initially considered the CUP application, it stated it was conditionally granting the application and that specific conditions for the operation of the hot-mix plant would be imposed later. The planning commission later approved certain conditions and relators appealed the planning commission's decision to the Aitkin County Board of Commissioners, which denied the appeal. On appeal to this court from the county board's denial of the appeal from the planning commission, relators challenge the grant of the CUP and the process used to create the later-imposed conditions. Because the county board's decision to deny the portion of the appeal challenging the grant of the CUP is consistent with Minn. Stat. § 15.99, subd. 2 (1998), and because relators have not shown that the process used to create the conditions was defective, we affirm.
Respondent George Shetka owns property in Fleming Township in Aitkin County. Respondent Charles Hawkinson manages that property. In May 1998, Hawkinson applied to Aitkin County for a CUP allowing part of the Shetka property to be used as a "permanent/ongoing site for the use of temporary/portable hot mix plants."The Gun Lake Resident's Association and Robert Carlson, among others, opposed the application. The Fleming Township Board of Supervisors sent the county planning commission a letter expressing the board's opposition to allowing a hot-mix facility on Shetka's land. In July 1998, the township board sent the planning commission another letter stating that the township wanted to present its case for adopting a list of conditions for any CUP the county might grant.
At some point in July 1998, the township board, residents' associations, Hawkinson, Shetka, and a representative of an environmental group met. They discussed, and at least tentatively agreed upon, conditions for the operation of the proposed hot-mix plant. On July 20, 1998, the county planning commission met to address the CUP application. At that meeting: (a) the proposed conditions were presented to the planning commission; (b) a township representative stated that the township board believed the proposed conditions were "solid," would protect the surrounding environment, and that the township board was in favor of granting the CUP with those conditions; (c) the planning commission noted that two other sets of proposed conditions had been introduced; (d) Shetka's attorney argued that if the legal requirements for a CUP were satisfied, the commission lacked discretion to deny the application; (e) questions were raised about whether there were other possible sites for a hot-mix plant in the county; and (f) the planning commission stated that it was conditionally approving the CUP application but that the question of conditions for the CUP would be referred to an ad hoc environmental responsibility team made up of two members of the planning commission, the county attorney, and staff from the zoning office.
On July 20, 1998, the county zoning ordinance required that an appeal of a planning commission decision be taken to the county board within 30 days. No appeal of the planning commission's July 20 decision was taken. On July 29, 1998, the environmental responsibility team met to create a list of proposed conditions for the CUP. A representative from the township and counsel for Carlson were allowed to be "non-verbal observers" at the meeting.
An August 14, 1998, letter from the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board to the planning commission stated that an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) had been requested for the proposed hot-mix plant and that the county was the proper authority to ask the CUP applicant to complete the worksheet. Effective August 25, 1998, the county zoning ordinance was amended to require that an appeal of a planning commission decision be by writ of certiorari to the Minnesota Court of Appeals. An EAW was filed in February 1999. Comments on the EAW were filed through early March. Comments from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency stated that while the odor associated with the hot-mix plant would not be easy to address, the other aspects of the EAW were not a major concern.
A March 22, 1999, memorandum from the county planning commission to the county board stated that the environmental responsibility team did not recommend continuing the environmental review process by requiring an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the proposed facility. The next day, the county issued its decision against requiring a full EIS, stating that the identified environmental impacts were minor and/or temporary, the plan did not include environmental effects that could not be addressed, and the project lacks a potential for significant environmental effects.
On April 19, 1999, the full planning commission met to consider the list of proposed CUP conditions that had been developed by the environmental responsibility team. Relators' counsel argued that the process for developing the conditions had been flawed because his attempt to put information in the record (apparently at the July 29 meeting that started the process for drafting the conditions) had been ignored. The chair of the commission replied that the only thing at issue at the meeting was the propriety of the conditions for the CUP. After some alterations, the commission approved the proposed conditions. Counsel for Carlson asked how to appeal the planning commission's decision and the county attorney told him to appeal to the county board.
On May 15, Carlson's counsel sent the county board a letter stating that Carlson was appealing the "April 19, 1999 granting of a [CUP.]" [1] On August 10, the county board heard the appeal. On August 31, the board voted 3-2 to deny the appeal. This appeal followed. During the pendency of the appeal, Fleming Township was dismissed as a party to the appeal.
1. Did the county board act arbitrarily, or otherwise improperly, in denying
the portion of relators' appeal challenging the grant of the CUP application?
2. Did relators show defects in the process used to create the conditions imposed on the conditional use permit?
"[A]n agency must approve or deny within 60 days a written request relating
to zoning" and "[f]ailure of an agency to deny a request within 60 days is
approval of the request." Minn. Stat. § 15.99, subd. 2 (1998). "Agency" includes
a county. Minn. Stat. § 15.99, subd. 1 (1998). Relators allege that the CUP
application was made on May 20, 1998. Shetka alleges that the application was
made on May 18, 1998. Although some of the documents supporting the CUP
application are dated May 18, the application is dated May 20. For purposes of
this appeal, we assume that the application was made on May 20, 1998. Sixty days from May 20, 1998, was Sunday, July 19, 1998. Therefore, the last day for the county to approve or deny the application was Monday, July 20, 1998. See Minn. Stat. § 645.15 (1998) (stating, if last day of relevant period is Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, period continues to next day that is not Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday). On July 20, 1998, the county planning commission stated that it was "conditionally approving" the CUP application and that the conditions for the approval would be addressed later.
It is not clear from the record whether the planning commission intended to actually grant the CUP application on July 20, 1998. The record of the July 20, 1998, hearing includes statements by the chairman of the planning commission indicating that the commission was "[c]onditionally approving; we are not approving [the application]. It will not be approved or disapproved until the next meeting, based on what the conditions are with the committee--[.]" Similarly, the minutes of the April 19, 1999, planning commission meeting indicate that the chair of the planning commission "stated that if [the conditions proposed by the environmental responsibility team] make this permit acceptable and there are successful findings of fact, the commission will approve the [CUP.]”
Although it is not clear whether the planning commission intended to grant the CUP application on July 20, 1998, it is clear that the commission did not deny the application. Therefore, either the application was approved by an affirmative act of the planning commission on July 20, or the application was approved as a matter of law under Minn. Stat. § 15.99, subd. 2, because the planning commission failed to deny the application within 60 days. See Demolition Landfill Servs., LLC v. City of Duluth, 609 N.W.2d 278, 281 (Minn. App. 2000) (holding that, under Minn. Stat. § 15.99, subd. 2, an agency's rejection of a resolution to grant a permit application was not equivalent to denying the application and therefore, the permit was granted as a matter of law), pet. for rev. filed (Minn. May 26, 2000). [2]
As of July 1998, section 11.05 of the Aitkin County zoning ordinance stated that “any decision of the Planning Commission” regarding a CUP application could be appealed to the county board within 30 days. Aitkin County, Minn., Zoning Ordinance § 11.05 (1996) (emphasis added). [3] For purposes of this appeal, we assume that the ordinance's use of “any decision” refers to “any final decision” and that therefore, the planning commission's July 20, 1998, statement that it would rule on the conditions for the CUP application at a later date rendered the July 20 grant of the CUP (be it a grant by the planning commission, a conditional grant by the planning commission, or a grant by operation of law under Minn. Sta.t § 15.99, subd. 2) non-final and hence not appealable to the county board until the planning commission made its decision on conditions for the CUP. [4]
On appeal of a county's denial of a CUP application, we review whether the decision was arbitrary, oppressive, unreasonable, fraudulent, under an erroneous theory of law or without evidentiary support. Molnar v. County of Carver Bd. of Comm'rs, 568 N.W.2d 177, 181 (Minn. App. 1997). Relators allege that the grant of the CUP application is defective because the county failed to abide by relevant statutes and ordinances, failed to make adequate findings of fact, and made findings that were not supported by the record. But the result reached by the county board, which, in effect, affirmed the grant of the CUP, is not only allowed, but compelled, by statute due to the county's failure to deny the CUP application within the period set out by Minn. Stat. § 15.99, subd. 2. We cannot hold that the county acted in an arbitrary, or otherwise improper, fashion when the result it reached was compelled by statute.
Effective on August 25, 1998, section 11.05 of the Aitkin County zoning
ordinance was amended to require that appeals from planning commission decisions
relative to a conditional use permit be taken to the Minnesota Court of Appeals
by writ of certiorari. Respondents argue that relators improperly appealed the
April 19, 1999, planning commission decision to the county board under the old
appeal procedure rather than to this court under the amended procedure. Relators appealed the planning commission's decision pursuant to advice from the Aitkin County Attorney that the old appeal process continued to apply to applications initiated before the effective date of the ordinance amendment. It is not apparent from the record what authority the county attorney relied on to conclude that the old appeal process applied. We have found nothing that indicates one way or the other whether the ordinance amendment was to be applied to applications that were pending when the amendment became effective. Therefore, because the record does not permit meaningful analysis of this question, and because we conclude that a decision on this issue will not change the effect that our ultimate decision will have on the parties, we decline to determine which appeal process applies. We assume that an appeal to the county board under the old appeal process was proper.
Relators allege that the planning commission's process for developing the conditions for the CUP deprived them of due process of law and violated the open meeting law. [5] To support their argument, relators cite the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution, Article I, Section 7, of the Minnesota Constitution, and the Minnesota Open Meeting Law, Minn. Stat. § 471.705 (1998). But relators do not explain how the constitutional and statutory provisions they cite were violated; they simply argue in a conclusory fashion that the provisions were violated. Absent an attempt to apply the law that they cite, relators failed to carry their appellate burden to show error and prejudice. Midway Ctr. Assocs. v. Midway Ctr., Inc., 306 Minn. 352, 356, 237 N.W.2d 76, 78 (1975).
Furthermore, quasi-judicial proceedings, such as considering a CUP application, do not generally invoke "the full panoply of procedures required in regular judicial proceedings[;]" the applicable rights of due process are "reasonable notice of hearing and a reasonable opportunity to be heard." Barton Contracting Co., Inc. v. City of Afton, 268 N.W.2d 712, 716 (Minn. 1978).
Relators allege that they were precluded from meaningful participation in the environmental review team's construction of the list of conditions for the CUP. But although relators were not able to actively participate in drafting some of the conditions proposed for the CUP, they had substantial input in at least one of the preliminary lists of proposed conditions considered by the environmental review team. Relators also participated in both the April 19, 1999, hearing at which the planning commission considered the conditions proposed by the environmental review team and in the appeal of that decision to the county board. Thus, while relators may not have been allowed to participate in an early stage of the drafting of proposed CUP conditions, they were allowed to address the reasonableness of the conditions at least twice.
Relators also object to the planning commission's “apparent rejection” of the “settlement agreement” approved by the parties in July 1998. Relators, however, cite no authority that requires a governmental body responsible for zoning decisions to accept the terms of an agreement among third parties. Absent any authority indicating that relators' opportunities to be heard were inadequate, we cannot say that relators have shown that they were denied the limited due process to which they were entitled in the quasi-judicial proceeding.
Because the county planning commission stated that it was conditionally granting the CUP application and did not deny that application within 60 days after it was submitted, the CUP application was either granted by affirmative act of the planning commission or by operation of law under Minn. Stat. § 15.99, subd. 2 (1998), on July 20, 1998. Because the county board's affirmance of the grant of the CUP was consistent with the result mandated by Minn. Stat. § 15.99, subd. 2, the county board did not act in an arbitrary or otherwise improper fashion in affirming that grant. Also, relators have not shown that their opportunity to be heard in the process used to create conditions imposed on the CUP was inadequate. Relator's request for attorney fees is denied.Affirmed.
[1] Shetka and relators dispute whether the failure to state in the appeal letter that the Gun Lake Association was challenging the planning commission's decision means Gun Lake is not a proper party to the appeal to this court. Whether Gun Lake is a proper party in this court will not affect the scope of the arguments presented for decision because it is undisputed that (a) Carlson did appeal to the county board; (b) Carlson and Gun Lake have the same attorney; and (c) that attorney filed a single brief in this court. Thus, this opinion refers to Carlson and Gun Lake as "relators."[2] Relators argue that whether the CUP application was approved as a matter of law is not properly before this court because respondents did not file a notice of review raising that issue. But appellate courts have the obligation to decide cases consistent with the law. See State v. Hannuksela, 452 N.W.2d 668, 673 n.7 (Minn. 1990) (“it is the responsibility of appellate courts to decide cases in accordance with law and that responsibility is not to be `diluted by counsel's oversights, lack of research, failure to specify issues or to cite relevant authorities'”) (citation omitted); Greenbush State Bank v. Stephens, 463 N.W.2d 303, 306 n.1 (Minn. App. 1990) (applying Hannuksela in a civil case), review denied (Minn. Feb. 4. 1991). Our decision simply recognizes that under Minn. Stat. § 15.99, subd. 2, the planning commission's failure to deny the CUP application within 60 days after it was submitted is an approval of the application. The approval occurred without any further action by respondents to invoke their rights under the statute, and the respondents did not lose their rights under the statute by failing to file a notice of review.
[3] After oral argument to this court, the county was directed by order of this court to file copies of the county's zoning ordinance in effect on May 18, 1998, and all later amendments. In addition to the requested documents, this court received numerous other post-oral-argument submissions from the parties. The unsolicited submissions were improper and were not considered in the resolution of this appeal. See Minn. R. Civ. App. P. 128.02, subd. 4 (stating that no brief beyond those identified in the rules may be filed without leave of the court).
[4] Our construction of the ordinance is consistent with the amended version of the ordinance that became effective in August 1998 and allows appeal of “any decision of the Planning Commission relative to a conditional use permit” to this court by writ of certiorari. (emphasis added). See In re Application by City of Rochester for Adjustment of Serv. Area Boundaries With Peoples Coop. Power Ass'n. Inc., 524 N.W.2d 540, 541 (Minn. App. 1994) (stating certiorari ordinarily available only when ruling sought to be reviewed is final, rather than interlocutory, determination). If the ordinance in effect in July 1998 did not require a final decision for appeal to the county board, the planning commission's failure to immediately rule on the conditions for the CUP did not render the July 20, 1998, grant of the CUP (be it a grant by the planning commission, a conditional grant by the planning commission, or a grant by operation of law under Minn. Stat. § 15.99, subd. 2) unappealable. Under this analysis, relators' May 1999 attempt to appeal the July 1998 grant was untimely, the grant of the CUP application was not properly before the county board and is not properly before this court.
[5] The parties' arguments on this issue assume that conditions can be imposed on a CUP after the date on which the CUP would otherwise have been granted under Minn. Stat. § 15.99, subd. 2. We express no opinion on this question.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Wed 22Aug2012
Overbuilding on Sharon's Road eroding
LakeShore, by the Boyds who Trespass without Easements.
Sharon Peterbilt ID Theft by
SteveMonroeQualeSr. who was "Murdered" in the Sherburne Co. Jail
Taxes Paid 2009 up to and including

Chergosky's pic and Estimate 2002 re: USC
42sec3631 unabated by
Public Officials
Hon. B.Todd Jones DFL_MN Gov.Mark
Corruption in all 87 Countys
re: Titles to RealEstate_Eminent Domain
_Mandates Grand Jury
Investigations into the local Sheriff's
re: Scott Turner, Matt Bostrom et
re Petition for Disciplinary Action against former Aitkin Co. Attorney
C. Rhodes, a Minnesota
No. 155913.
Affiant's Sharon Anderson, Tim
have joined forces to expose the Corruption in the
re: Abstract_Titles_takings without Just
Lawyer Habekorn acting in concort with County
To the Powers B. Todd Jones | Main
- Shared on Google+. View the post.You +1'd this publicly. UndoB. Todd Jones (Robins, Kaplan, Miller & Ciresi). Minnesota U.S. Attorney B. Todd Jones on Tuesday announced the creation of the Civil Frauds Unit in the ...
USDOJ: US Attorney's Office - District of ... - Department of Justice on Google+. View the post.You +1'd this publicly. UndoBTJ. Arab and Muslim Engagement. Countering Violent Extremism through Community-Based Approaches by B. Todd Jones, U.S. Attorney for the District of ... -
Ruben Rosario: Washington called. U.S. Attorney B. Todd Jones ... on Google+. View the post.You +1'd this publicly. UndoMinnesota U.S. Attorney B. Todd Jones was not a happy camper. I had publicly criticized his office for giving up prosecution of a high-profile human-trafficking ...
Sample Court Litigation
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Sharon4Anderson Aitkin Titles to 42741-321stGunLake_Peterbilt,Cars,Boats,







Do you want these Doc/s published on a Blog?
Is David and Darlene your Mom and Dad?
David & Darlene Klatke November 2,
11875 East French Lake
Dayton, MN 55327
Terry J. Betley
Land Surveyor
Abstract Office
3rd street NW
Aitkin, MN 56431-1330
Re: Complete Klatke Development (Sub -
Division) Registered Survey of the out lot through Tract A-I, between Melody
Manor and Weistroffer`s Sub Division with the 33 foot road easement pinned in
and the electrical underground layout.
Mr. Betley:
Please be advised that we did not accept
your incomplete document received on April 27, 2011, all you sent us was the Pre
Final Plan only that already existed with the phrase Pre Final Plan taken off
and dated, this drawing already existed and we already had this in 1987 when
Coleen Fern & us sub divided the property, so in essence you are saying we
paid you in 1989 1500.00 dollars to provide us with a document we already
possessed and could have received for a nominal fee of 5.00- 10.00 dollars from
the county or your abstract office.
If you can recall the reason you were
involved was the power company wanted us to have a complete survey of the
property for the power to be placed underground, so as long as we needed a
survey we felt that this would be the time to get the property current and up to
date as a complete development sub-divided like Melody Manor and Weistroffer`s,
because our sons expressed interest in purchasing lots and developing them and
that was when you suggested to deed (Warranty) tract A,B,C, into my name for
cost savings on the surveying cost. We paid you to conduct a full land survey of
the development with the electrical underground, a 33` road easement pinned in
and sub divided and identified lots.
For what ever reason you can not or will not
provide us with what we paid for we will take legal action to retrieve our
documents you have 20 days from the date of this letter to provide us our
complete registered documents and registered surveys of this
David Klatke Jr.
Darlene Klatke
Timothy Klatke, Doug Klatke, Rick Klatke,
Ron Klatke
Timothy Klatke
11600 East French Lake
Maple Grove, MN 55369
May 14, 2012
not send - Stop = amended statement
Bob Mlynar
Aitkin County DNR
30249-400th Street
Aitkin, MN 56431
To Bob Mlynar:
I see as usual that you are still trying to
assume the worst of me by assuming I was threatening you all. You do your job
the way it best serves you, not serving the public like you should. That has to
change. There is a line in the movie, “you only see the smoke and the bodies,
but the larger picture still eludes you”. You have no idea who is helping us in
our “war” in finding justice. The character was at war with the broken and
corrupt government, as we are.
We are gonna bring the whole thing down. We
are gonna bring the whole diseased corrupt temple down on your head, we are
going to bring all of you down, no violence, we are using your own system
against you, It is going to be biblical. It is already crumbling all around you,
(you are all eating your own poison) and your subordinates see the powers to be
can’t protect them any more, there loyalty is slipping away fast and their
deflection is in process.
The intent of the reference to the movie Law
Abiding Citizen was that they were all violating his civil rights and not
representing him correctly and the courts and Judges were a joke, they are all
protecting there own selfish interest and power, just as all of you are doing
with our situation. In the end he had the opportunity to stop the insanity and
yet, he ended up doing himself in as you are. I would NEVER physically threaten
And again Bob you did an investigation and
in that you left out vital information and procedures first and foremost but not
limited to, you didn’t even ask the perpetrator Doug Landrus or his accomplice
Matt Landrus if they even have a trapping license or that you have issued
multiple citations on site and where are your property line and survey
information that you so adamantly needed earlier in the 1/31/2012 letter, I see
nothing in your investigation, there is no evidence in your report of either,
this only supports my initial feeling of a cover-up in progress, and why are
your letters being mailed from MLPS & St. Cloud MN. I” am waiting for Aitkin
County Sheriff’s offices investigation and charges over and above the DNR
charges, from them and a formal request for my statement in
Timothy Klatke
Cc: Jessica Brown, CVA
James Ratz, ACA
Scott Turner, Sheriff
Tom Landwehr, DNR
Lonnie Thomas, DNR AH
Robert Mueller, FBI
Boelter & McCabe, MN
Al Franken, Senator
Amy Klobuchar, Senator
Joyce Pepin, House
American Civil Liberties Union of
Kevin & Jeanie Fern
Timothy L.
11600 East French Lake
Maple Grove, Minnesota
4905 Pioneer Trail
Loretto, MN
September 11,
Aitkin County Environmental
2nd Street N.W.
Aitkin, MN
Aitkin Country
2nd Street N.W.
Aitkin, MN
Aitkin County
2nd Street N.W.
Aitkin, MN
Dear Ms. Sovde, Mr. Ratz and Mr.
Regarding a list of Bogus
1. Terry Bentley’s survey and
affidavit document number: 340662
2. Corrective Quick Claim Deed
(Easement) document number: 339541.
3. Waukenabo Townships Board
concerns to Dana Fern’s Lot 5 Wiestroffer Addition.
4. WSN Soil
5. Letter from John Welle dated
November 9, 2009 referencing to ditch 21.
Mr. Ratz - is this what you call a
legal system when you have all these illegal documents?
1. Does the County of Aitkin file an
illegal quick claim deed to start a lawsuit as a common practice?
2. Works with an attorney like Mark
McCullogh to change a legal easement where there is been no survey?
3. Do you think it is ethical to
have someone on the Board of Adjustment when they have created an illegal
document. Terry Bentley altered an original survey.
4. Terry Bentley supplied the
document number 340662 to Widseth, Smith, Nolting and Associates (WSN) which was
used for the soil analysis. WSN could not come up with the conclusion using
Terry Bentley’s document which makes their soil analysis bogus. The survey
states that track A was the way it was in 1990, which was a filled common
driveway. Referring to the 33 foot easement, the survey was put over the picture
in 1992 and 1993. WSN is a surveyor company that they would have been aware of
the 33 foot easement did not match up with the actual
5. Mr. Ratz in the court situation
you were involved in, Aitkin County threw out this information with a Motion in
6. A fax sent to Dana Fern dated
April 25, 2005 states my rights as a landowner. But yet a letter dated January
28, 2008 said I didn’t have the rights? What sufficient property rights are you
talking about that I didn’t have? Under the Wetland Conversation definitions
8420.0110 what part of the definition did I not have?
Ms. Sovde you still have not
responded to a letter to you dated August 26, 2010. We are waiting for your
1. The fax you sent to Dana Fern
dated April 25, 2005 states my rights as a landowner. But yet a letter dated
January 28, 2008 said I didn’t have the rights? What sufficient property rights
are you talking about that I didn’t have?
2. You are manipulating files that I
have requested. I requested a copy of Kevin Fern’s Zoning application dated
January 20, 2008. I was able to see an actual completed file and what I received
is totally incomplete. The original drawing submitted by Kevin Fern was not
included. (Exhibit I)
3. In Kevin Fern’s drawing the
proper 10` easement road runs to Dave Klatke’s property with a turn around. On
Exhibit L the picture shows a 10` easement hooking up with a 33` easement that
is not established at this point.
4. You were leading and manipulating
Dana Fern to fill the easement, which the condition supports, here is another
supporting document that proves that you are involved in manipulating the
property and land owners for the counties benefit with out a legal survey, (see
attached Exhibit L), where you have another bogus document with an aerial photo
of the Wiestroffer sub division and other lots with the two private roads
connected and southern boundary lines moved 80 to100 feet to the south, and the
original road 10` easement, and Wiestroffer lot 4 with no building or road laid
out on a survey, just the four corners and approximants.
Mr. Turner we are presenting the
Aitkin County Sheriff Department a host of illegal, Unconstitutional and
criminal acts preformed by Aitkin county, and representatives, state of
Minnesota, Licensed state of Minnesota personal, private company’s, and private
individuals against the Klatke family, and our property and Kevin and Jennie
Fern and their property.
Is this a legal system?
Timothy L. Klatke
11600 East French Lake
Maple Grove, Minnesota
David and Darlene
11875 East French Lake
Dayton, Minnesota
David & Darlene Klatke November
2, 2011
11875 East French Lake
Dayton, MN
Terry J.
3rd street NW
Aitkin, MN
Re: Complete Klatke Development (Sub
- Division) Registered Survey of the out lot through Tract A-I, between Melody
Manor and Weistroffer`s Sub Division with the 33 foot road easement pinned in
and the electrical underground layout.
Please be advised that we did not
accept your incomplete document received on April 27, 2011, all you sent us was
the Pre Final Plan only that already existed with the phrase Pre Final Plan
taken off and dated, this drawing already existed and we already had this in
1987 when Coleen Fern & us sub divided the property, so in essence you are
saying we paid you in 1989 1500.00 dollars to provide us with a document we
already possessed and could have received for a nominal fee of 5.00- 10.00
dollars from the county or your abstract office.
If you can recall the reason you
were involved was the power company wanted us to have a complete survey of the
property for the power to be placed underground, so as long as we needed a
survey we felt that this would be the time to get the property current and up to
date as a complete development sub-divided like Melody Manor and Weistroffer`s,
because our sons expressed interest in purchasing lots and developing them and
that was when you suggested to deed (Warranty) tract A,B,C, into my name for
cost savings on the surveying cost. We paid you to conduct a full land survey of
the development with the electrical underground, a 33` road easement pinned in
and sub divided and identified lots.
For what ever reason you can not or
will not provide us with what we paid for we will take legal action to retrieve
our documents you have 20 days from the date of this letter to provide us our
complete registered documents and registered surveys of this
David Klatke
Timothy Klatke, Doug Klatke, Rick
Klatke, Ron Klatke
May 1,
James Ratz & Ben
-2nd Street NW
Aitkin, MN
RE: State representation in court
file No. 01-CR- 12-318 (State of MN vs. Doug Landrus)
Dr. Mr. Ratz and
I am requesting that you cease and
desist in this case immediately and cancel the Rule 8 Hearing on May 14th, due
to both of your criminal activity already documented in previous letters and
documents provided to you, just as your predecessor Tom Murtha did with Moss and
Barrnet and Richard Ohlson Ltd., in this corruption, and Court System, State and
Federal government fraud. Are you two waiting to get this litigation started so
you can use Motion in Limine with laboratory analysis request attached here to -
with nothing attached, like Ben Smith did with you and Judge Solien in the
illegal court case (State of MN vs. Kevin Fern) in this development, when you
got caught you said it had to do with a DWI test, this is a land issue not a
alcohol related issue, How can I possibly have you represent us when you have
committed so many crimes against us that have not been prosecuted in the past in
the Klatke development and creek.
You lost your power and privileges
granted when you broke the law, against your (Oath of office) and the laws of
the land, in the Indictment process James we can see a minimum of ten to fifteen
counts against you and Ben just in this one case we see three counts against
you, Judge Solien - more of the same.
Also, how can I possibly think this
would be a fair representation when I was never asked for a statement or my
letters never answered and the refusal to give me the investigation reports and
charges in writing - then when confronted with that fact you ask me for a
amended statement, when the absurd charges have already been issued and the rule
8 Hearing is scheduled? That seems to us not to be the way the procedure should
go according to my civil rights, sound like this is the law of convenience
against our civil rights. It seems to us the whole investigation was botched and
the cover-up started immediately. You also keep trying to hide the crime by
mentioning the “high water mark”, “water right of way” or “public water ways”,
none of which applies to this situation. He can’t be there. We all know this is
just more cover up propaganda for the dam and the Land
I find it suspect that my dog dies
at the dam and then all of a sudden Iverson & Reuvers start-up again,
explain this to me James, you all are caught in many crimes against us and you
also have a conflict of interest, four other assistant county attorneys and you
hire an outside legal firm with taxpayer dollars? After you are caught, and the
county is using the tragedy to try to move forward with their land fraud agenda,
they can’t represent us because of the development
The state government did the crimes
and the state courts and state government covered it up, the federal government
are directly involved by using all their resources to forward this agenda for
over seven years - they are not just sitting by watching this - they are
participating. And now the state house and congress are not responding and
watching more crimes in progress.
As prosecutors you are familiar with
this tactic, at this point of the scandal / land fraud we are willing to offer
you the opportunity for a plea bargain, if you will turn states and federal
evidence and give us the king pins (persons and departments) of the corruption,
allowing you and your crimes to continue, in exchange for a possible lighter
If you go forward you will be
deliberately avoiding prosecution and creating another indictable
We can’t move forward until all your
crimes are dealt with to our satisfaction, we are requesting a response in
writing, also with this response we want all the letters addressed to you Mr.
Ratz answered and every body else involved in these crimes to answer all letters
addressed to their representative departments and personal in writing for this
development and property and related Land fraud.
We can not move forward until this
whole criminal conspiracy is resolved to our satisfaction, I told you earlier my
baby Queenie did not die in vain - now you are caught in the trap, getting the
life sucked out of you like she did.
Read Psalm 37 and you will see your
Check and Mate, Game
Cc: Jessica Brown Victim
Sheriff Scott
DNR Commissioner Tom Landwehr
Bob Mlynar,
Lonnie Thomas, DNR
Robert Mueller,
Boelter & McCabe, MN
Al Franken,
Amy Klobachar,
Joyce Peppin, House
Kevin & Jeannie
American Civil Liberties Union of
Senator Warren
75 MLK
Capital Building, Room
St. Paul, MN
11600 East French Lake
Maple Grove, MN 55369
May 14,
did not send - Stop = amended
Aitkin County
Aitkin, MN
To Bob
I see as usual that you are still
trying to assume the worst of me by assuming I was threatening you all. You do
your job the way it best serves you, not serving the public like you should.
That has to change. There is a line in the movie, “you only see the smoke and
the bodies, but the larger picture still eludes you”. You have no idea who is
helping us in our “war” in finding justice. The character was at war with the
broken and corrupt government, as we are.
We are gonna bring the whole thing
down. We are gonna bring the whole diseased corrupt temple down on your head, we
are going to bring all of you down, no violence, we are using your own system
against you, It is going to be biblical. It is already crumbling all around you,
(you are all eating your own poison) and your subordinates see the powers to be
can’t protect them any more, there loyalty is slipping away fast and their
deflection is in process.
The intent of the reference to the
movie Law Abiding Citizen was that they were all violating his civil rights and
not representing him correctly and the courts and Judges were a joke, they are
all protecting there own selfish interest and power, just as all of you are
doing with our situation. In the end he had the opportunity to stop the insanity
and yet, he ended up doing himself in as you are. I would NEVER physically
threaten you.
And again Bob you did an
investigation and in that you left out vital information and procedures first
and foremost but not limited to, you didn’t even ask the perpetrator Doug
Landrus or his accomplice Matt Landrus if they even have a trapping license or
that you have issued multiple citations on site and where are your property line
and survey information that you so adamantly needed earlier in the 1/31/2012
letter, I see nothing in your investigation, there is no evidence in your report
of either, this only supports my initial feeling of a cover-up in progress, and
why are your letters being mailed from MLPS & St. Cloud MN. I” am waiting
for Aitkin County Sheriff’s offices investigation and charges over and above the
DNR charges, from them and a formal request for my statement in
Timothy Klatke
Cc: Jessica Brown,
James Ratz,
Scott Turner,
Tom Landwehr, DNR
Lonnie Thomas, DNR
Robert Mueller,
Boelter & McCabe, MN
Al Franken,
Amy Klobuchar,
Joyce Pepin, House
American Civil Liberties Union of
Kevin & Jeanie Fern
RE; Your non response and action, to
the crimes committed against us.
MR. Limmer and
You were sent itemized documents and
a letter on 2/22/2012, of the criminal activities and crimes committed against
us between the State of MN., State Courts, State licensed personal, private land
developer, private land surveyor and others.
It has been five months and not as
much as a written letter to your position in this serious matter, you are our
elected representative to congress and thus responsible for the protection under
the constitution for the abuses and injustices that we have suffered in the
criminal acts committed against us by all mentioned and the revised letter
attached from 3/28/2012 to Joyce peppin, But not limited
In the first contact to your office,
I was informed that you couldn’t get involved and represent us personally, in
this situation you are bound by the office you hold and the oath of office you
took, this is the ugly side of the job you signed up for and if you were making
the changes necessary in your role in the judicial oversight committee, maybe
the judges wouldn’t be so blatant in committing the crimes they have committed.
Speaking of which what have you done about the crimes committed in the court of
law, in five months you must have enacted strict oversight legislation to this
injustice in the rule of law.
The enforcement jurisdiction in this
matter is you and Joyce to start and because of the federal abuses Amy and Al
will need to be brought in as well, you have 15 day to respond in writing to
your lack of action and your direction forward.
This dog and pony show is over, you
need to dedicate a large portion of your staff to this matter immediately, and
it is obvious you and the rest of the political class are trying to protect the
state and state courts from being exposed in the crimes of the state and how the
state steals land, (LAND FRAUD). Just like they just did to the ( Native
Americans ).
CC; Joyce Peppin, Al Franken, Amy
In a message dated 8/22/2012 6:28:57 A.M. Central Daylight Time,
Sent: 8/21/2012 3:59:40 P.M. Central Daylight Time
Subj: aitkin county corruptionJust a sample of the corruption for your review ( any suggestion ) AttorneyProSe_Private AG, ECF 65913 Pacer:sa1299 Tel: 651-776-5835 HEALTH CARE Candidate 2012Senate64
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